Thursday, September 3, 2009

Selangor Hockey Association - Selangor Hockey League(Invitation To MMU Team)

Dear Sir & Kak Siti,
Saya menerima emel ini dari pihak penganjur yang memberi jemputan kepada team MMU bagi bersaing dalam liga hoki Selangor. Oleh itu,saya menyarankan agar team Melaka & Cyberjaya combine and masuk pertandingan ini. I need pertolongan Abg Zailan to find our more on this tournament please. Cyber dont mind combining both boys and girls in a team.
Hope Sir and Kak Siti would give a feedback.
Thank you.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Darthvadai <>
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 8:56:47 AM
Subject: Selangor Hockey Association - Selangor Hockey League

Greetings Fellow hockey Brother

My Name is Kuganeson Poologasingam, Vice President, Selangor Hockey Association and would like to extend an invitation to MMU Cyberjaya Hockey Club to be an affiliate & take part in the upcoming Hockey League.

Matches will be played over the weekends only

Give me a buzz if you interested


Kuganeson Poologasingam (Nesan)

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